Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#10 The importance of SEO [QUTOJ1]

When I think of writing headlines, I think of bold words boasting wittiness, sarcasm and the extreme use of puns, whilst simultaneously being clear, brief and precise.

Headlines such as "Getting Dirtier" (in relation to a politcal story), or "Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike says" (fairly obvious) engage the reader at the time of choosing a newspaper on the news stand.

However these "gotcha" headlines have no room in the online news environment. How effective would these headlines be if you were to google the headlines? Who knows the type of websites that would pop up in our Google news search!

An important part of Online News journalism is Search Engine Optimisation.  It has become a vital skill and tool to have in an online environment, affecting the way we present our online content.

Good online headlines are simple and will attract readers to a story and also increase website traffic. Some people are unhappy with the way it has altered the online news environment as it no longer leaves room for creativity.

So while "Last few hours of a Hollywood Legend" may be more striking that "Heath Ledger Dead", it's the latter that will gain the higher SEO ranking.

[image source: ABC news]. 

But as Online news is becoming a vital part of the way we interact, it's important to get the tools set down pat.

Sure online journalists are competing against possibly thousands of other news outlets, but standing out from the pack doesn't require being clever or witty. On the contrary, it requires simply telling the story in a simple, straightforward manner.

Author Shane Richmond, writes about how SEO is changing the online news environment.

After reading and researching here are my top tips to an effective online news headline:

  • Consider key words, full names and use active voice. 
  • Avoid the use of jargon- KISS. 
  • Always use active voice- "The boy hit the ball" rather than "The ball was hit by the boy." 
  • Always include a verb 
  • Use key words and phrases in your HTML tags
  • Online text is harder to read than print, therefore keep sentences short, use bullet points, as much multimedia devices as possible to keep it interesting. 
  • Build community tools- such as Twitter and Facebook to increase your website traffic. 

For further tips and hints on improving your online news content head on over here and here.

Happy posting! 
W. x