Tuesday, October 4, 2011

your purpose;

Ever feel like there is some greater reason out there for you? If only you can figure out what it is!

After a bit of pondering it shouldn't be too hard to figure out- it's quite simple and it's right in front of you. At birth, we are each designed with a set of talents, strengths, and skills unique ONLY to us. As we grow, we change and we develop- but these changes help us as clues to decipher what it is our purpose is.

Unfortunately, not everyone's purpose is to save the world or discover a cure, but whatever you have to contribute is most important. Remember the saying, you get what you give? Well the same applies to the universe- What you give to the world, you will receive in return.

What makes you happy can also help you decipher your purpose. What are some of the things you like doing to fill your time- even if you weren't paid to do it and even if others didn't like it? It's our inhibitions, hidden passions and the things that make us truly happy that help us discover our purpose in this world.

At the end of the day, each of us is here to share our unique strengths, skills and talents with whomever we come in contact with- this is part of our purpose. And in doing so, you will feel happy and content within yourself for having shared that something special.

So if you don't like something, change it. If you can't, change your attitude- either way, you will no doubt feel more content and at inner peace with yourself for taking upon that different perspective and outlook on life.

You could argue our purpose may take a lifetime to reveal itself, but our purpose is to remain present, to be enjoying what we are doing and who we are with. And if you can enjoy being there then that's your job really done. 

Your worth isn't based on what others think about you, but solely on how much you value yourself. 

Live with passion, positivity & faith
wwndie xxx