Tuesday, February 7, 2012


"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain." 
It’s 2012!
I get giddy saying it. Two-thousand & twelve. Shouting it. Two-thousand & twelve! Thinking it. Writing it. They say this about every new year, especially during it’s honeymoon stage (itis only the beginning of February) but there’s something about this year which makes it different. Delicious. Expecting, and ready to burst. 
Everything’s different, but the same. Better. Like there’s something in the air, drifting, waiting for us to catch just even the slightest whiff and take off from there. The Mayans said this is the world would end, but with every ending comes a beginning. It’s all a matter of interpretation. Is the glass half empty, or half full?
I’ll be honest – I’ve put off writing here simply because there’s a large amount pressure – be it self-imagined or not – in publishing the first piece of the new year. It sets the tone for what’s to come, how it’ll start. A superstition? Perhaps. I would normally say, Put your best foot forward, as the saying goes, but aren’t you supposed to always walk that way?
Yes. Except this year, I'm walking faster, my head higher, my body fitter and my love even stronger. There's no point in dwelling over the past and what HAPPENED. Things happen for a reason, people come and go and you learn. As blatantly brutal as it sounds, sometimes all you've really got to say is "Fuck it" and just live. Which fits perfectly in my perspective an instinctive individual. 
Some may know alot of things happened to me in 2011, both good and bad. I'm not superhuman, I had my moment of sadness and it's taken a lot of god damn hard work, courage and strength to get where I am today, but really ,there was never time to stop living and start worrying. The sun continues to rise every day, the garbage still needs to be taken out and life goes on.  So I've let it all go and have realised it's time to move on, be fearless, work hard, live large and love big. 
I know this is slightly belated but I hope you had a beautiful New Years’ celebration, and are starting 2012 just as you’ve planned. 
Always remember- each day is a gift, not a given right. Make it count! 

wwndie xxx.